Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A BIG Surprise!

Ever have one of those weeks when you're just feeling out of sorts?  Feeling down...and just not yourself?  I recently had one of those weeks.  Then, out of no where, a cheerful bouquet of flowers was delivered...and all was ok with the world again.  I love an unexpected delivery, and where I live flowers don't make it to my doorstep easily!

My good friend, Shari (Hi Shari!), asked me one day in an email, if I was going to be around that day.  Nothing out of the blue, really.  I replied "Sure...are you going to swing by?" And with that comment, started this story I'm about to share. Now granted, she lives 600 miles away...

To make a long story short, we messaged back and forth most of the afternoon.  I knew she was planting flowers in her yard, then off to run errands. She was texting from her phone, joking that she was only an hour away from my house, wondered what was I working on, and what I was going to fix her for dinner, etc. I told her "the party" was down in my studio, just come on down when she got here (LOL)...she said she was going to ring the doorbell, so my dogs wouldn't attack her.  I was making her birthday gift (that's going to be another blog post) that afternoon, so I was downstairs creating in my studio anyways.  We joked back an forth some more, a few hours had passed...then all of a sudden...THE DOORBELL RANG!  Now, where I live, we don't get people ringing the doorbell often.  I have to say, for a split second, I thought...could that really be Shari?  Did she really drive here?  I about tripped up the stairs, dying to see who was at my door.  When I opened it, I had a gentleman with a bouquet of flowers standing there.  I thought FOR SURE he had the wrong house, but he confirmed the flowers were for me!
The card read "Hope this brightens your day!" 

When I collected myself from the shock...I immediately called Shari (via iChat)...we had a good laugh as I told her my end of the story, thinking that it might really be HER ringing my doorbell, and me tripping up the stairs, as I hurried to see who was at my door.  She wished the dogs (or the man with the bouquet) could have taken a picture of my face when the doorbell rang.
So later that evening, I go to my mailbox, only to find a card from Shari too - the card put a smile on my face, and the handwritten sentiment on the inside brought happy tears to my eyes!  What a day!  Friends REALLY do make the world a better place!
The card alone would have brought me out of my funk, but the flowers...now that was over the top!  Thank you Shari...you made me laugh and cry in the same day! I'm so thankful for CTMH bringing us together and I cherish our friendship!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh this was so funny! I laughed so hard I cried! I am so grateful you are my friend. You are so worth those flowers!!!

    And for those of you reading this...make someone's day by sending flowers! I got the idea from one of my customers who had flowers sent to her by her girl friend. They made her so happy...so I knew my friend needed some!

    It was the best money I have spent in a long time!
